How To Reduce Health Risks As The Coronavirus Lockdown Eases

With the businesses and communities all over the country gradually starting to reopen, people are more concerned about how they should head out to work or visit restaurants. The lockdown being eased does not mean that the health risks have been completely mitigated. So, you must wear face masks and face visor in Northern Ireland, and follow the given safety measures to stay safe as the lockdown gets lifted.

Precautions to take while commuting

The safest option to commute as the coronavirus lockdown gets eased is to take your bike or car or walk to work. Trains and buses are like the Petri dishes for spreading the respiratory infection. Even taking a cab to reach your destination is better than relying on public transports during this time. Also, make sure to never leave home with your face shield and mask, regardless of where you’re heading to.

Safety measures for the office

Avoid elevators because maintaining your distance from others is nearly impossible in such a constricted place. If you have to take the elevators, face the wall so that you are not taking in someone’s breath. Make sure you don’t touch common surfaces like doorknobs, elevator buttons, and printers with bare hands. Use a paper towel or tissue to touch these spots, so as to protect yourself from getting infected.

Order top-notch quality face shields from Shield of Faith in order to better protect yourself and your family members during this global health crisis.

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